• Popular Baby Names in 1937
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
676 Art 0.0071% Manuela 0.0093%
677 Emmitt 0.0071% Alvina 0.0092%
678 Judson 0.0071% Felicia 0.0092%
679 Rollin 0.0071% Florene 0.0092%
680 Cyrus 0.0070% Rubye 0.0091%
681 Eduardo 0.0070% Ursula 0.0091%
682 Fritz 0.0070% Aurelia 0.0090%
683 Hugo 0.0070% Charline 0.0090%
684 Kendall 0.0070% Iola 0.0090%
685 Melton 0.0070% Oralia 0.0090%
686 Alford 0.0070% Simone 0.0090%
687 Bertram 0.0070% Arleen 0.0089%
688 Bonnie 0.0070% Elida 0.0089%
689 Ivory 0.0070% Francisca 0.0089%
690 Lincoln 0.0070% Georgene 0.0089%
691 Omer 0.0070% Juliette 0.0089%
692 Alejandro 0.0069% Lue 0.0089%
693 Garrett 0.0069% Nedra 0.0089%
694 Jewel 0.0069% Ofelia 0.0089%
695 Mathew 0.0069% Socorro 0.0089%
696 Merton 0.0069% Libby 0.0088%
697 Myles 0.0069% Roselyn 0.0088%
698 Stan 0.0069% Bobbye 0.0087%
699 Buck 0.0068% Norene 0.0087%
700 Dorothy 0.0068% Emogene 0.0086%

Showing Names 1,351 - 1,400 of 2,000

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