• Popular Baby Names in 1933
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
701 Kyle 0.0073% Charleen 0.0082%
702 Maxie 0.0073% Alvina 0.0081%
703 Bryant 0.0072% Cathryn 0.0081%
704 Clarance 0.0072% Daphne 0.0081%
705 Damon 0.0072% Georgiana 0.0081%
706 Dannie 0.0072% Ivy 0.0081%
707 Dexter 0.0072% Magdalena 0.0081%
708 Edd 0.0072% Magnolia 0.0081%
709 Kenny 0.0072% Meredith 0.0081%
710 Lacy 0.0072% Georgette 0.0080%
711 Melvyn 0.0072% Jolene 0.0080%
712 Shelton 0.0072% Laverna 0.0080%
713 Vicente 0.0072% Mozelle 0.0080%
714 Asa 0.0071% Willene 0.0080%
715 Bernice 0.0071% Ira 0.0079%
716 Nickolas 0.0071% Kate 0.0079%
717 Rupert 0.0071% Lovie 0.0079%
718 Stanton 0.0071% Maryanne 0.0079%
719 Theadore 0.0071% Mickey 0.0079%
720 Carson 0.0070% Romona 0.0079%
721 Darryl 0.0070% Annetta 0.0078%
722 Edsel 0.0070% Colette 0.0078%
723 Garth 0.0070% Corene 0.0078%
724 Raphael 0.0070% Hortense 0.0078%
725 Taylor 0.0070% Jacquelin 0.0078%

Showing Names 1,401 - 1,450 of 2,000

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