• Popular Baby Names in 1924
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
601 Ricardo 0.0097% Lavon 0.0118%
602 Walker 0.0097% Lue 0.0118%
603 Angel 0.0096% Clementine 0.0117%
604 Carter 0.0096% Jeane 0.0117%
605 Abel 0.0095% Joe 0.0117%
606 Bernice 0.0095% Josefina 0.0117%
607 Dana 0.0095% Marvel 0.0117%
608 Santos 0.0095% Rosalee 0.0117%
609 Walton 0.0095% Ursula 0.0117%
610 Cyrus 0.0094% Carmel 0.0117%
611 King 0.0094% Leone 0.0117%
612 Shelby 0.0093% Ouida 0.0117%
613 Raphael 0.0092% Glenda 0.0116%
614 Reed 0.0092% Artie 0.0115%
615 Rupert 0.0092% Mazie 0.0115%
616 Beverly 0.0092% Myrtice 0.0115%
617 Coleman 0.0092% Alda 0.0114%
618 Arther 0.0091% Beverley 0.0113%
619 Asa 0.0091% Gertie 0.0113%
620 Doris 0.0091% Marianna 0.0113%
621 Emmitt 0.0091% Alpha 0.0113%
622 Enoch 0.0091% Novella 0.0113%
623 Meyer 0.0091% Ferne 0.0112%
624 Sherwood 0.0091% Lavern 0.0112%
625 Winford 0.0091% Sandra 0.0112%

Showing Names 1,201 - 1,250 of 2,000

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