• Popular Baby Names in 1917
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
651 Abner 0.0088% Gwen 0.0098%
652 Clovis 0.0088% Twila 0.0098%
653 Crawford 0.0088% Lyda 0.0097%
654 Hayward 0.0088% Pearline 0.0097%
655 Talmadge 0.0088% Rubie 0.0096%
656 Early 0.0087% Velva 0.0096%
657 Haskell 0.0087% Alvera 0.0095%
658 Mortimer 0.0087% Dona 0.0095%
659 Tracy 0.0087% Hellen 0.0095%
660 Fredric 0.0085% Libby 0.0095%
661 Leander 0.0085% Lovie 0.0095%
662 Loy 0.0085% Zula 0.0095%
663 Raymon 0.0085% Elmira 0.0093%
664 Alberto 0.0084% Kathrine 0.0093%
665 Oran 0.0084% Almeda 0.0093%
666 Seth 0.0084% Francisca 0.0093%
667 Carey 0.0083% Laverna 0.0093%
668 Emmitt 0.0083% Manuela 0.0093%
669 Fernando 0.0083% Audra 0.0092%
670 General 0.0083% Bess 0.0092%
671 Lawson 0.0083% Chloe 0.0092%
672 Obie 0.0083% Georgette 0.0092%
673 Omar 0.0083% Jerry 0.0092%
674 Alvie 0.0082% Kathryne 0.0092%
675 Bernie 0.0082% Rosina 0.0092%

Showing Names 1,301 - 1,350 of 2,000

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