• Popular Baby Names in 1914
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
576 Royce 0.0113% William 0.0122%
577 Arther 0.0111% Clyde 0.0121%
578 Enoch 0.0111% Gilda 0.0121%
579 Clare 0.0110% Jaunita 0.0121%
580 Darwin 0.0110% Lennie 0.0121%
581 Elroy 0.0110% Elouise 0.0119%
582 Mortimer 0.0110% Ethelyn 0.0119%
583 Gustav 0.0108% Lavina 0.0119%
584 King 0.0108% Roslyn 0.0119%
585 Alphonso 0.0107% Carmel 0.0118%
586 Asa 0.0107% Ima 0.0118%
587 Garnett 0.0107% Myrna 0.0118%
588 Hans 0.0107% Patsy 0.0118%
589 Ike 0.0107% Winnifred 0.0118%
590 Warner 0.0107% Bess 0.0117%
591 Blaine 0.0105% Easter 0.0117%
592 Casper 0.0105% Retha 0.0117%
593 Elden 0.0105% Velva 0.0117%
594 Ford 0.0105% Alda 0.0114%
595 Leander 0.0105% Idell 0.0114%
596 Salvador 0.0105% Myrtie 0.0114%
597 Walker 0.0105% Esta 0.0113%
598 Webster 0.0105% Faith 0.0113%
599 Alvis 0.0104% Lina 0.0113%
600 Durward 0.0104% Verona 0.0113%

Showing Names 1,151 - 1,200 of 2,000

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