• Popular Baby Names in 1908
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
576 Ottis 0.0120% Dortha 0.0118%
577 Rene 0.0120% Edrie 0.0118%
578 Ruth 0.0120% Elenora 0.0118%
579 Seth 0.0120% Idell 0.0118%
580 Tracy 0.0120% Novella 0.0118%
581 Vester 0.0120% Octavia 0.0118%
582 Vivian 0.0120% Vallie 0.0118%
583 Wilton 0.0120% Celeste 0.0116%
584 Winfred 0.0120% George 0.0116%
585 Allie 0.0114% Leslie 0.0116%
586 Andres 0.0114% Lorna 0.0116%
587 Antone 0.0114% Mallie 0.0116%
588 Archibald 0.0114% Myrna 0.0116%
589 Bennett 0.0114% Tina 0.0116%
590 Bernie 0.0114% Valeria 0.0116%
591 Brady 0.0114% Violette 0.0116%
592 Chas 0.0114% Winnifred 0.0116%
593 Cleve 0.0114% Cathryn 0.0113%
594 Crawford 0.0114% Easter 0.0113%
595 Dillard 0.0114% Grayce 0.0113%
596 Dorothy 0.0114% Ima 0.0113%
597 Everette 0.0114% Leonora 0.0113%
598 Florence 0.0114% Lilla 0.0113%
599 Gale 0.0114% Melvina 0.0113%
600 Hal 0.0114% Nita 0.0113%

Showing Names 1,151 - 1,200 of 2,000

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