• Popular Baby Names in 1903
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
976 Lucas 0.0054% Augustina 0.0047%
977 Lupe 0.0054% Bert 0.0047%
978 Mahlon 0.0054% Besse 0.0047%
979 Marlin 0.0054% Blossom 0.0047%
980 Maude 0.0054% Bonita 0.0047%
981 May 0.0054% Buelah 0.0047%
982 Mearl 0.0054% Capitola 0.0047%
983 Merl 0.0054% Carry 0.0047%
984 Michel 0.0054% Cathleen 0.0047%
985 Milburn 0.0054% Creola 0.0047%
986 Murry 0.0054% Dee 0.0047%
987 Norval 0.0054% Delsie 0.0047%
988 Ocie 0.0054% Dicie 0.0047%
989 Oral 0.0054% Dominga 0.0047%
990 Ozzie 0.0054% Donie 0.0047%
991 Pearlie 0.0054% Drucilla 0.0047%
992 Ples 0.0054% Ellar 0.0047%
993 Porfirio 0.0054% Enola 0.0047%
994 Reece 0.0054% Eola 0.0047%
995 Roe 0.0054% Erie 0.0047%
996 Seymour 0.0054% Gerda 0.0047%
997 Thurston 0.0054% Girtha 0.0047%
998 Tillman 0.0054% Hazle 0.0047%
999 Vicente 0.0054% Isobel 0.0047%
1000 Waldemar 0.0054% Ivah 0.0047%

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