• Popular Baby Names in 1894
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
576 Florence 0.0104% Elna 0.0110%
577 Ford 0.0104% Emelia 0.0110%
578 Howell 0.0104% Freddie 0.0110%
579 Jesus 0.0104% Hedwig 0.0110%
580 Jonas 0.0104% Lelah 0.0110%
581 Jonnie 0.0104% Lenna 0.0110%
582 Josiah 0.0104% Oda 0.0110%
583 Lem 0.0104% Queenie 0.0110%
584 Lenard 0.0104% Sena 0.0110%
585 Maude 0.0104% Sigrid 0.0110%
586 Miguel 0.0104% Edyth 0.0106%
587 Norris 0.0104% Imogene 0.0106%
588 Oswald 0.0104% James 0.0106%
589 Prince 0.0104% Jenny 0.0106%
590 Ransom 0.0104% Liddie 0.0106%
591 Ruby 0.0104% Mercedes 0.0106%
592 Steven 0.0104% Minta 0.0106%
593 Toney 0.0104% Philomena 0.0106%
594 Alphonso 0.0096% Rubie 0.0106%
595 Audley 0.0096% Vergie 0.0106%
596 Berry 0.0096% Zelda 0.0106%
597 Buck 0.0096% Beth 0.0102%
598 Burl 0.0096% Camilla 0.0102%
599 Carey 0.0096% Glenna 0.0102%
600 Carson 0.0096% Gretchen 0.0102%

Showing Names 1,151 - 1,200 of 2,000

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