• Popular Baby Names in 1890
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
251 Newton 0.0384% Jeannette 0.0491%
252 Leland 0.0376% Bonnie 0.0486%
253 Nick 0.0376% Wilhelmina 0.0486%
254 Wayne 0.0376% Lettie 0.0476%
255 Wilfred 0.0376% Lily 0.0476%
256 Barney 0.0368% Madeline 0.0476%
257 Conrad 0.0368% Velma 0.0476%
258 Gerald 0.0368% Claudia 0.0471%
259 Augustus 0.0359% Mina 0.0471%
260 Columbus 0.0359% Hettie 0.0466%
261 Earle 0.0359% Leola 0.0456%
262 Ervin 0.0359% Cecilia 0.0451%
263 Ezra 0.0359% Isabella 0.0451%
264 Grady 0.0359% Roberta 0.0451%
265 Hugo 0.0359% Juanita 0.0441%
266 Mathew 0.0359% Letha 0.0441%
267 Solomon 0.0359% Minerva 0.0441%
268 Laurence 0.0351% Doris 0.0431%
269 Luke 0.0351% Dovie 0.0426%
270 Carroll 0.0343% Audrey 0.0421%
271 Isaiah 0.0343% Olivia 0.0421%
272 Johnie 0.0334% Fanny 0.0417%
273 Neal 0.0334% Eugenia 0.0412%
274 Scott 0.0334% Linnie 0.0412%
275 Jefferson 0.0326% Miriam 0.0412%

Showing Names 501 - 550 of 2,000

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