• Popular Baby Names in 1886
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
976 Barrett 0.0042% Prudie 0.0046%
977 Bedford 0.0042% Rella 0.0046%
978 Beecher 0.0042% Ressie 0.0046%
979 Bernhard 0.0042% Rosamond 0.0046%
980 Bertrand 0.0042% Roseanna 0.0046%
981 Bessie 0.0042% Rubye 0.0046%
982 Boston 0.0042% Ruie 0.0046%
983 Britt 0.0042% Sabra 0.0046%
984 Brooks 0.0042% Salome 0.0046%
985 Bruno 0.0042% Silvia 0.0046%
986 Bryan 0.0042% Texas 0.0046%
987 Burns 0.0042% Texie 0.0046%
988 Calhoun 0.0042% Tula 0.0046%
989 Carey 0.0042% Wilhelmine 0.0046%
990 Chalmer 0.0042% Yetta 0.0046%
991 Chin 0.0042% Zelpha 0.0046%
992 Christy 0.0042% Zina 0.0046%
993 Claire 0.0042% Aggie 0.0039%
994 Cletus 0.0042% Albert 0.0039%
995 Colbert 0.0042% Alwilda 0.0039%
996 Collins 0.0042% Alwina 0.0039%
997 Courtland 0.0042% Anabel 0.0039%
998 Craig 0.0042% Angele 0.0039%
999 Curt 0.0042% Anner 0.0039%
1000 Daisy 0.0042% Arabella 0.0039%

Showing Names 1,951 - 2,000 of 2,000

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